Using Python Context Manager for Profiling

24/08/2017 by Abhijit Gadgil


Recently, while implementing a class for a project, we needed to profile parts of the code as some of the observations were quite un-intuitive. It was also important to identify the parts of code that were expensive and the kind of time they would take (strictly speaking profiling using cProfile won't be able to help much here.). Broadly the requirements can be summarized as follows -

  1. Ability to add profiling information in several places in code. (Something like cProfile.Profile().enable() and cProfile.Profile.disable() done frequently.)

  2. Ability to enable profiling globally or not, so when globally disabled, it should add a minimum overhead.

  3. Being able to keep related profiling information with the code itself.

Initial idea was to have a class wide cProfile.Profile() object and keep enabling and disabling it for the parts of the code that was to be profiled. However, this approach was a bit problematic and didn't look very elegant as -

  1. The code gets littered with enable/disable code.

  2. Also, to meet requirement 2. above, this would have been wrapped in an if statement

  3. Dumping stats only for some part of the code - in a section would become a little irritating to handle (see below).

For this type of problems, Context Managers in Python look like a good choice. All the enable/disable logic, if conditions etc. can be neatly wrapped inside the __enter__ and __exit__ methods and then selective profiling can simply be used as

with Profiler(contextstr="----- foo profiling ----", enabled=True) as p:
     # Run the profiled code here

As can be seen, the readability of such a code is way better than say -

if self.profiling_enabled:

# do something

if self.profiling_enabled:


The complete implementation for the class Profiler looks like following taken from tickerplot utils.

import cProfile
import StringIO
import pstats

class Profiler(object):

    def __init__(self, enabled=False, contextstr=None, fraction=1.0,
                 sort_by='cumulative', parent=None, logger=None):
        self.enabled = enabled

        self.contextstr = contextstr or str(self.__class__)

        if fraction > 1.0 or fraction < 0.0:
            fraction = 1.0

        self.fraction = fraction
        self.sort_by = sort_by

        self.parent = parent
        self.logger = logger = StringIO.StringIO()
        self.profiler = cProfile.Profile()

    def __enter__(self, *args):

        if not self.enabled:
            return self

        # Start profiling."\nprofile: {}: enter\n".format(self.contextstr))

        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

        if not self.enabled:
            return False


        sort_by = self.sort_by
        ps = pstats.Stats(self.profiler,
        ps.print_stats(self.fraction)"\nprofile: {}: exit\n".format(self.contextstr))

        return False

    def get_profile_data(self):

        value =
        if self.logger is not None:
  "%s", value)

        return value

if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover

    import re

    with Profiler(enabled=True, contextstr="test") as p:
        for i in range(1000):
            r = re.compile(r'^$')


        with Profiler(enabled=True, contextstr='exception') as p:
            raise ValueError("Error")
    except ValueError:

    profiling_enabled = False
    with Profiler(enabled=profiling_enabled, contextstr='not enabled') as p:
        for i in range(1000):
            r = re.compile(r'^$')


The code above is quite simple and extremely readable. Also as can be seen quite easy to plug-in in a running code. There are some important things to be kept in mind -

  1. A quirk of pstats.Stats Constructor. If we pass a Profile object to the pstats.Stats Constructor as above, unless the Profile object is enabled, the Constructor raises an Exception that looks like -
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 81, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 95, in init
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 124, in load_stats
    % (self.__class__, arg))
TypeError: Cannot create or construct a <class pstats.Stats at 0x7f683bec19a8> object from <cProfile.Profile object at 0x7f683bf1a6e0>
  1. Just like the normal __exit__ mechanism, returning False would make sure, if the running code within a with block raised an exception, that gets re-raised (as we often do not want to interfere with the Application's exception handing.).

  2. This works quite well in a nested 'context' (ie. a with Profiler() inside a with Profiler()), which is kind of cool.


This is quite a handy utility class, that I often plugin whenever I want to add some profiling to the code on the fly.
